Integrating Happiness in Our Professional Goals

Integrating Happiness in our professional goals is a way to optimize value in our life. I tell candidates frequently, that having a career that you are passionate about is gift that we can give ourselves. There are many work hours in the week, so if you are struggling through the week then I suggest re-evaluating the elements that are controllable. Below are the three different types of happiness… 

Pleasure:  Pleasure is related to our personal benefits and are relatively short term.  Examples include food, surfaces level encounters, listening to music, anything that produces endorphins and offer us happy moments that can be the highlights of our day.  Please keep in mind as these moments don’t translate to long-term satisfaction or happiness at work.

Passion: Passion can come in a variety of forms, it can be a hobby, cause or group activity. Being intimately involved with it can be a great source of happiness.  These activities deliver contentment in the medium term and provide a sense of achievement and variety in life.

Purpose:  Feeling like you are part of something bigger than yourself and that your actions really matter can lead to a deep sense of fulfillment and long-term happiness, especially if you are looking for happiness at work.

As a professional we are wearing multiple hats, how are we to accomplish all that is needed to be done when there is so little time. By integrating happiness into our activities, goals, and benchmarks we are energized by positive feelings. It ignites us to do more and gives us a Why to hang on and push through to when adversity arises.

The next time you are feeling uninspired, take a next step and see how you can add pleasure, passion, or purpose to your work. This can give you the added spark that you have been missing.

Mike DePaulo, LSSBB, CDR,


All Pro Recruiting, LLC.

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