Turn your job description into a narrative, don’t just share the boxes that you want checked. Recruiting and retaining talent is the goal for most companies as employees are viewed as one of the most important resources of the organization. Even companies with great succession planning need to hire from outside the organization. This can be a difficult task especially if the desired skills are not abundant. One way to open talent pools is to create an accurate narrative to share with passive talent. Go back to the basics when writing and or sharing a job description a target candidate that all compelling stories contain…
Our work is a series of projects with a theme, characters, setting, point of view, plot, conflict, and an intended resolution. The better we can articulate our needs, culture, the players involved, and the adversity involved the better qualified person we can attract and keep interested. Candidates want to be successful in their next venture while utilizing their skills. An accurate description of your narrative will help entice talented professional to listen to your pitch and understand if they are up for the challenge.
Mike DePaulo, LSSBB, CDR
All Pro Recruiting, LLC.